KITE (Knowhow Ideas That Excite)
KITE focuses on developing bespoke healthcare innovation applications, using informatics. The group is formed of members from the Electronics and Computer Science department at the University of Southampton.
A number of initiatives and subsequent research has led to the KITE team developing a number of exciting products and services which are used within the clinical and healthcare environment. These include STAG, the Southampton tool for action on Glucose, UHS Revalid, an online clinical staff appraisal system and FollowApp, which aims to allow direct interaction with patients about their care within a Children’s hospital.
Prototype of the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) Solution for capturing patient information deployed for testing in Ethiopia (2019)
KITE offers a unique service which includes:
• Analysing ideas and offering advice regarding potential solutions
• Developing prototypes
• Testing of prototypes to ensure they meet with certain requirements
• Developing fully scalable software applications using the latest technologies.
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