Knowhow Ideas
Our KITE (Knowhow Ideas That Excite) team here at the Clinical Informatics Research Unit focus on developing bespoke innovative healthcare applications using informatics. The group is formed of interns from the Electronics and Computer Science Department from the University of Southampton and are given support and guidance from our experienced and knowledgeable CIRU Developers.
The KITE team transform ideas to reality through analysing ideas, providing expert advice and utilising their skills to test and develop fully scalable software applications using the latest technologies. Just some of the unique things the team has to offer include idea analysation, prototype development, testing, software development and full project support.
KITE have completed a number of successful projects for researchers at the University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust which are being used in a clinical and healthcare setting. These include the STAG app, the Southampton tool for action on Glucose, UHS Revalid, an online clinical staff appraisal system and FollowApp, another intuitive app which allows direct interaction with patients about their care within the paediatric hospital wards. The team have also completed work internationally, including working closely with healthcare staff from Ethiopia, in building a EMR (Electronic Medical Record) solution for capturing patient information. The EMR tool has been deployed and tested in 60 clinics throughout the East African country.
“Meeting the team at CIRU was invaluable. It gave me the opportunity to present a common clinical problem to a non-clinical team. Several meetings, emails and coffees later the ‘STAG’ concept was born.”