EDGE conference success

The EDGE team hosted their 5th annual conference at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre earlier this month. It was a real success with close to 400 delegates through the door. The agenda was packed full, with a mixture of inspiring keynote speakers such as Dr William van’t Hoff, Clinical Director for NHS Engagement at the NIHR, as well as pharmaceutical representative Núria Bech, Therapy Area Lead from Roche. The afternoon sessions where led by EDGE users themselves as they shared their knowledge and tips with how to use the system effectively. The event brought some returning exhibitors and sponsors including RQA, ESMS Global, University of Lincoln, as well as new support from the likes of the RCN, Qualogy and Roche.

This year the EDGE team changed hosts and had Dr Kevin Fong lead the main room and introduce all of the keynote speakers. As a medical doctor and space medicine expert, Kevin was very fitting for this role with the aviation inspired theme. There was lots of airport resemblance in keeping with the new heights theme of the conference, which included a bag drop area for delegates, e-ticket registration process and electronic screens which displayed the agenda in a departure board style layout. All of these things added nicely to the unique overall experience.

The conference ran smoothly and the choice of venue worked well (being located next to Farnborough airport) for the theme – TAKE RESEARCH TO NEW HEIGHTS. The venue allowed multiple rooms to be used for user-led breakout and workshop sessions specifically on EDGE functionality and training. The conference also played a big part in celebrating 20 years of EDGE at the Clinical Informatics Research Unit as this was highlighted throughout the day by the hosts, as well as a special 2020 puzzle which was displayed in the networking area.

A highlight of the event was having Freddie, a 9-year-old boy present all by himself on how research has helped his life dramatically after having a severe peanut allergy. His presentation was a lovely reminder to why everyone is doing the job they are doing, for the patient. The opening of the conference was another highlight indeed. Here some members of the EDGE team performed an airline safety demonstration which certainly brought some laughs to the room and reminded delegates of some useful information, like remembering to wear their passports (delegate badges) at all times.

The EDGE team are now thinking about what to do in 2021 and will be working on ways to improve the conference following useful feedback provided by delegates through an online survey.